Welcome to my character ("toon") list page where I'll post their latest levels, abilities etc. They are listed in order of who was leveled to [70] first.
Hoof (70) Warrior Tradeskills: Blacksmithing: 359/375 - Engineering: 358/375Hoof was the first character I created. The day I installed WoW and saw the character creation screen for the first time there was no question in my mind I had to be a Tauren (and no it had nothing to do w/the fact that my birthday is in May!). I just loved how they looked - there was something strong but gentle about them. Plus, in Everquest I'd always been a melee class of some type so making Hoof a "warrior" was an easy decision as well.
As far as the name goes... I'm a bit picky/obsessive about names so I thought for a few minutes about what to name him. At some point the term "hoof" popped into my head (inspired by Tauren anatomy of course). I initially thought about stuff like Stronghoof, Megahoof and other names that incorporated the "hoof" but they all felt weird/forced. Then I thought... why not just use "Hoof" by itself! Fortunately, the game was new enough still that there was no other "Hoof"s on my server (WHISPERWIND) yet so that was that - and Hoof was born! At that point I had no idea/plans about using "Hoof" in my other character names - I really didn't even think about creating a new character until Hoof was in his 30s.
I may not play Hoof as much these days but I still consider him my main. I'm taking steps to gear him up a bit so he may get more raid time in the future, but for now he just pokes around when his sword and shield are needed. :) These days his main action is at 7AM on Sunday mornings where he does a fairly regular heroic instance run with 4 other guildmates. He also logs ever other day or so to try to stomach the PvP daily to so he can eventually get a [item]Gladiator's Shield Wall[/item]. The rest of the time he's usually parked in Blades Edge Mountains and occaisionally logs on to see if anyone's killed Grulloc/etc so he can loot them to get access to the Ogri'la daily quest hub.
Soofie (70) Priest Tradeskills: Mining: 375/375 - Tailoring: 375/375 (Shadoweave)
After being level 60 with Hoof for a while, I got the itch to want to see what it would be like to be a "healer" class. So naturally I rolled a priest.
Of course, if you "level up" a priest by yourself (vs running w/other people) you don't really heal much since most priests spec as damage ("shadow") priests to level quickly. So I didn't heal much at all from levels 1 through 70. I maybe did 2 or 3 (?) instance runs as the 'healer' class - but that was it.
Anyhow, after being "shadow" on Soofie for 69 levels I naturally got used to it. So ironically, when I hit 70 and was faced with the "what spec will I raid with" question - I decided to go Shadow for good.
This decision to was made a lot easier thanks to my guildmates (Mary, Zach, Karen etc) who donated embarassing amounts of materials to help me finish leveling up Shadoweave Tailoring and to make my Frozen Shadoweave set:
Here's my best guess/memory of the mats they donated to my cause - these are all expensive items so these donations were very humbling to say the least:
Anyhow - the rest is history really. With the creation of my Frozen Shadoweave set I was "good enough" to start raiding and has been raiding ever since. Soofie is the best geared of all my toons now and is still my primary raiding toon.
Hoofie (70) Shaman Tradeskills: Alchemy: 375/375 - Herbalism: 375/375...(to be cont)
Zoof (70) Warlock Tradeskills: Mining: 375/375 - Skinning: 375/375I've always heard warlocks are tricky to play so I never thought I'd play one. I honestly don't even remember what spurred me on to create one - but apparently I did! Like most alts, I leveled him up to his 20s/30s and left him alone for a while...(to be cont)
Groof (65) Hunter Tradeskills: Mining: 375/375 - Engineering 301/375(to be cont..)
Poofy (36) Mage Tradeskills: Enchanting: 300/375 - Leatherworking 300/375 (Shadoweave)...(to be cont )