Tuesday, September 29, 2009

/cry... Finally disabled the auto-renew on my account

Such a sad day... but since I haven't played in months I suppose I should have done this way earlier. I know I can renew whenever I want and I *think* BLIZZARD will never delete my characters (/pray) - but still... very sad moment.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Goodbye to raiding... for now

As I mentioned in my previous post, seeing exactly how much time I'd poured into WoW over the last few years certainly startled me a bit. 223 days - that's 5,352 hours! Obviously that's a very large number - but then again I'm not sure it's an overly unreasonable amount of time for an avid gamer like myself to spend "playing video games" over a 4-year period.
The only oddness of it, if anything, is that it was the same game for the entire 4 years instead of being spread across 10-15 different games in shorter bursts. But that just speaks to the quality, immersion and plain old "fun factor" of WoW really. The game was fun enough to keep me consistently entertained and coming back for 4 years - that's just amazing really.

So - for the last month or two I tried *only* playing WoW on TUE and THU nights with my raid group. It's been fun and we've actually starting getting a very nice momentum in Naxx (and OS). However, its become clear to me that the game is just not very fun (for me) if I don't have *any* solo time. I was going to try to add a 3rd night a week to do just that (get some solo WoW time in) but I just can't swing it w/my current RL schedule.

Another "writing on the wall" type thing I noticed as I stuck to my "raiding only" plan over past month or two was that I was logging on so little that my banker's mailbox had items being deleted from inactivity - and to my surprise... I didn't really care. I don't think I've lost anything super valuable yet - but the notion that I'm ok with ANY of my banker storage items being deleted is pretty telling given my past history with loving to hoard things on my banker(s).

Anyhow - having said all the above... I'm saying goodbye to raiding for the foreseeable future - so I've notified my raid leaders that I'll be officially bowing out of our group starting next week. :(

I'm sure they'll find someone to fill my slot so I'm not worried about that. The saddest thing about it for me isn't playing less of the game so much as the fact that I'll no longer have an extracurricular activity on TUE and THU nights anymore - having that interaction with other people my age was pretty nice since I'm otherwise stuck at home w/two kids under 3 at the moment. Plus it was really neat to be part of a team who was consistently doing better and better each run.

I actually contemplated leaving the game for good (including deleting all bank items, all characters etc) but after talking with some folks (some who still play, and others who don't) I decided not to be that extreme. So my characters and their bank items will remain in Azeroth for now at least - so this is not a "final goodbye" - at least not yet.

Thanks again to my raid group for letting me be a part of the team (even way back in the Karazhan days!). I hope to see you guys around from time to time - I may logon from time to time to play some solo (if I think I can handle it in small doses) so if you see me around say hi!

Here's a handful of folks who were in my raid group over last couple years - sorry to those I don't have avatars of! (Umbrial and Balmar specifically! :( Raiding was a neat way to get to know folks a bit more and I enjoyed raiding with all of you! It has been a pleasure guys (and gals)!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Total Played = 223 days (!!?)

Last week as part of my personal Facebook "25 Random things" I tallied up my WoW /played totals to find out how much time I've played the game since I started my account (back in 12/2004).

The total was... 225 days.
I use the [223] number in conversations since at least 2 days of that number were spent AFK, auction house idle times, leaving machine on all night during long flight paths etc). Like 2 days makes any kind of dent/difference though!....

Anyhow. After learning that number I've been in deep thought for past few days on everything considering all things... friends I've made in that time, in-game adventures and accomplishments I've achieved - but also the negatives.... weight I've gained in that time, fresh air I've not had, art projects I haven't done, music I haven't played on guitar ...etc.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do about it yet... stay tuned I suppose...

Monday, February 2, 2009

Dual Boxing = Fun!

Just quick post that my dual boxing fun continues. Friend of mine doesn't use his WoW account often lets me use his 70 DK to help level up some of my lowbie toons by dual boxing late at night.

My undead rogue Poof who was level 13 two weeks ago is now level 36 and hasn't done a quest for over 10 levels. All I do is run instances over and over so he gets kill XP and all the blue drops. Aside from being a fun alternative to the usual "questing to level" I have to say it's fun to romp through instances that most of my characters never got to do w/out any worry of dying. The DK just pulls a whole room, kills them all and my rogue sits back and gets all the xp/loot!

So far my instance runs count goes something like:

  • WC: 1
  • BFD: 2
  • RFK: 7
  • RFD: 5 (full) 8 (partial)
  • SM: 5 (all 4 wings)
  • ULDAMAN: 3
  • ZF: 1
I just ran him through Zul'Farrak at level 35 (he dinged at the end) since 35 is the lowest level you can be before you enter (I didn't even know there were "lowest level limits" in WoW). It was pretty funny because my rogue couldn't even tell what level the trash was in there - they were all ?? Elites to him! But we cleared the place! Even the final dude in that cave, Antu'sul who was nice enough to drop his sword for when Poof hits level 44!

Update 2009/01/04:
Ran through Maraudon last night! I'm starting to have to be a bit more careful with my pulls - sometimes I can only take on 1 group of 5-6 mobs at a time which certainly slows things down a bit. Maraudon is also HUGE so it took a good 2 hours to do a full clear - but both the DK and my rogue got the achievement. Sadly only 1 useable item dropped [Claw of Celebras].

I am starting to wonder if it's worth worrying about what drops since some blue items in my bank are already worthless. I guess when I hit the point where the DK can't solo instances above a certain level I'll be left with whatever blue gear my rogue was able to get before that point. Who knows what I'll do then!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Auction House Gold Rush!

I went from 1400 to 3900 gold on my banker in one weekend! At this rate I may be able to afford two fast flyers soon! I'm not doing anything super sneaky/secret - just found something I can farm during my kids' naps and sell in the AH for decent profit. I'll post specific details later once my luck runs out. :)

That is all!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Achievements FTW!

/blows 3 inch layer of dust off top of the blog...
I'm not sure I have any readers atm since it's been so long but I figured I'd post something anyhow for my own records/etc.

I just wanted to post that I think the new ACHIEVEMENTS system in WoTLK is great! I suppose it would be hard to find someone who thought otherwise. In any case - the reasons *I* personally think it's great are:

  • Whole new layer to game!
  • It's another "bite size" way to play the game over time - if you're like me and don't have enough free time to schedule more traditional play stuff (heroics, arena, group questing).
  • It breathes life (or at least one last dying breath) into the "old world" areas as many achievements encourage folks to go see, do, kill, etc things from the old areas of the game.
  • It's like POKéMON and has that "gotta catch 'em all" feeling!
In addition to just enjoying single achievments as my toons get them, I'm have long/short term plans on getting Hoof the "Accomplished Angler (Fishing)" achievement for the "Salty" title and Hoofie the "Hail to the Chef (Cooking)" one for the "Chef" title. I may never get the Salty one because the final item I need to do is based largely on LUCK (a fishing tournament every Sunday at 3PM) - but I'm fairly certain I'll get the "Chef" one at least.

There are of course more impressive titles from PVP, arenas, raiding and exploring (even one that comes from getting *25* mounts!!!!) - but the fishing and cooking ones are things I can do w/my tricky free-time schedule and I do actually enjoy both fishing and cooking in game (I bet my wife wished I was that way IRL!... at least the cooking).