Saturday, December 29, 2007

History: Combat Log

There are so many interesting dungeons and bosses in the game that I thought it'd be neat to list out all the ones I've had the opportunity to experience. So - here's a complete history (sorry no dates) of what dungeons or raids I've attended. Since I have leveled up 5 characters past 60 (4 to 70), I don't have a perfect memory of which character ran which instance [x] number times - but in general though I think my "estimated # of runs" for each instance below are pretty close.

If you take all the estimated # of run numbers below and multiply them by 2 hours each (average time per run) you get a pretty crazy number of "time spent in game". For any detractors, in my defense all that time was spent talking/joking around with real people with headsets/microphones most of the time so technically it was some form of social interaction! :D

The saddest part of this page is that due to the way BLIZZARD releases expansion packs for the game, 80% of locations listed on the page are no longer worth visiting because the gear drops and/or the quest/experience rewards for running through them are just not worth it for people leveling to 70+! :( It's a tragedy too because so many of these places were really fun at-level. I still hold out hope that somehow BLIZZARD will one day breathe new life into these places to make them worth visiting (at or even after level).

Wailing Caverns - Estimated # of runs [~20]

  • ???
  • ???
  • ???
  • ???
  • ???
Blackfathom Depths - Estimated # of runs [~10]

  • ???
  • ???
  • ???
  • ???
  • ???
Razorfen Kraul - Estimated # of runs [~6]

  • Roogug
  • Aggem Thorncurse
  • Death Speaker Jargba
  • Overlord Ramtusk
  • Agathelos the Raging
  • Charlga Razorflank
Razorfen Downs - Estimated # of runs [~3]

  • Tuten'kash
  • Mordresh Fire Eye
  • Glutton
  • Amnennar the Coldbringer

Maraudon - Estimated # of runs [~4]

  • Noxxion
  • Razorlash
  • Lord Vyletongue
  • Poison Falls
  • Celebras the Cursed
  • Landslide
  • Tinkerer Gizlock
  • Rotgrip
  • Princess Theradras
Zul'Farrak - Estimated # of runs [~10]

  • Antu'sul
  • Theka the Martyr
  • Witch Doctor Zum'rah
  • Nekrum Gutchewer
  • Hydromancer Velrath
  • Gahz'rilla
  • -- never killed -- Shadowpriest Sezz'ziz
  • -- never killed -- Ruuzlu
  • -- never killed -- Chief Ukorz Sandscalp
Scholomance - Estimated # of runs [~15]

  • Kirtonos the Herald
  • Jandice Barov
  • Rattlegore
  • Marduk Blackpool
  • Ras Frostwhisper
  • Instructor Malicia
  • Doctor Theolen Krastinov
  • Lorekeeper Polkelt
  • The Ravenian
  • Lord Alexei Barov
  • Lady Illucia Barov
  • Darkmaster Gandling
Stratholme: Undead Side - Estimated # of runs [~5]

  • The Unforgiven
  • Timmy the Cruel
  • Malor the Zealous
  • Cannon Master Willey
  • Archivist Galford
  • Grand Crusader Dathrohan
  • Balnazzar

Stratholme: Undead Side - Estimated # of runs [~20]

  • Baroness Anastari
  • Nerub'enkan
  • Maleki the Pallid
  • Magistrate Barthilas
  • Ramstein the Gorger
  • Baron Rivendare
Lower Blackrock Spire - Estimated # of runs [~25+]

  • Overlord Wyrmthalak
  • Highlord Omokk
  • War Master Voone

Upper Blackrock Spire - Estimated # of runs [~35+]

  • Pyroguard Emberseer
  • Warchief Rend Blackhand/Gyth
  • The Beast
  • General Drakkisath
Dire Maul: East - Estimated # of runs [~1]

  • Zevrim Thornhoof
  • Hydrospawn
  • Lethtendris
  • Alzzin the Wildshaper

Dire Maul: North - Estimated # of runs [~3]

  • Guard Mol'dar
  • Stomper Kreeg
  • Guard Fengus
  • Guard Slip'kik
  • Captain Kromcrush
  • King Gordok
  • Cho'Rush the Observer

Dire Maul: West - Estimated # of runs [~3]

  • Tendris Warpwood
  • Illyanna Ravenoak
  • Magister Kalendris
  • Immol'thar
  • -- never killed --Prince Tortheldrin
Zul'Gurub - Estimated # of runs [~25+]

  • High Priest Venoxis
  • High Priestess Jeklik
  • High Priestess Mar'li
  • High Priest Thekal
  • High Priestess Arlokk
  • Bloodlord Mandokir & Ohgan
  • Edge of Madness
  • Gahz'ranka
  • -- never killed -- Jin'do the Hexxer
  • Hakkar the Soulflayer
Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj - Estimated # of runs [~15]

  • Kurinnaxx
  • General Rajaxx
  • Buru the Gorger

Onyxia's Lair - Estimated # of runs [~10]

  • Onyxia

Molten Core - Estimated # of runs [~15]

  • Lucifron
  • Magmadar
  • Gehennas
  • Garr
  • Shazzrah
  • Baron Geddon
  • Golemagg the Incinerator
  • Sulfuron Harbinger
  • Majordomo Executus
  • -- never killed -- Ragnaros

Blackwing Lair - Estimated # of runs [1]

  • -- never killed -- Razorgore the Untamed

Naxxramas - Estimated # of runs [1]

  • -- never killed -- Anub'Rekhan

Hellfire Citadel: Ramparts - Estimated # of runs [~5]

  • Watchkeeper Gargolmar
  • Omor the Unscarred
  • Nazan & Vazruden

Hellfire Citadel: The Blood Furnace - Estimated # of runs [~3]

  • The Maker
  • Broggok
  • Keli'dan the Breaker

Hellfire Citadel: The Shattered Halls - Estimated # of runs [~8]

  • Grand Warlock Nethekurse
  • Blood Guard Porung (Heroic)
  • Warbringer O'mrogg
  • Warchief Kargath Bladefist

Hellfire Citadel: Magtheridon's Lair - Estimated # of runs [~5]

  • -- never killed -- Magtheridon

Coilfang Reservoir: The Slave Pens - Estimated # of runs [~8]

  • Mennu the Betrayer
  • Rokmar the Crackler
  • Quagmirran

Coilfang Reservoir: The Underbog - Estimated # of runs [~8]

  • Hungarfen
  • Ghaz'an
  • Swamplord Musel'ek
  • The Black Stalker

Coilfang Reservoir: The Steamvault - Estimated # of runs [~10]

  • Hydromancer Thespia
  • Mekgineer Steamrigger
  • Warlord Kalithresh

Coilfang Reservoir: Serpentshrine Cavern - Estimated # of runs [~3]

  • The Lurker Below

Auchindoun: Mana-Tombs - Estimated # of runs [~6]

  • Pandemonius
  • Tavarok
  • Nexus-Prince Shaffar

Auchindoun: Auchenai Crypts - Estimated # of runs [~5]

  • Shirrak the Dead Watcher
  • Exarch Maladaar

Auchindoun: Sethekk Halls - Estimated # of runs [~2]

  • Darkweaver Syth
  • Talon King Ikiss

Auchindoun: Shadow Labyrinth - Estimated # of runs [~6]

  • Ambassador Hellmaw
  • Blackheart the Inciter
  • Grandmaster Vorpil
  • Murmur

Caverns of Time: Old Hillsbrad Foothills - Estimated # of runs [~7]

  • Lieutenant Drake
  • Captain Skarloc
  • Epoch Hunter

Caverns of Time: The Black Morass - Estimated # of runs [~10]

  • Chrono Lord Deja
  • Temporus
  • Aeonus

Karazhan - Estimated # of runs [~25+]

  • Servant Quarters
  • Attumen & Midnight
  • Moroes
  • Opera Event: Romulus & Julianne
  • Opera Event: Little Red Riding Hood
  • Opera Event: Wizard of Oz
  • Maiden of Virtue
  • The Curator
  • Chess Event
  • Terestian Illhoof
  • Shade of Aran
  • Netherspite
  • NightbanePrince Malchezaar

Gruul's Lair - Estimated # of runs [~10]

  • High King Maulgar
  • Gruul the Dragonkiller

Tempest Keep - Estimated # of runs [1]

  • Voidreaver

Friday, December 28, 2007

Bank: For the...Hoard!


I’m a bit of a pack rat so I enjoy stocking up on lots of things and keeping them… even if I have no immediate/future plans of actually needing or using them in-game!

I currently have 2 characters wholly dedicated to being ‘bankers’ and use a couple of my lower level characters as ‘overflow’ bankers since I have too much for just 2 characters to hold right now. These ‘bankers’ are level 1 characters who are only used to store things in their bank/bags, handle auction house transations and mail gold and stuff to my real characters whenever/if they need something.

I won’t keep track of EVERYTHING they have here - just the more interesting/useful (read: "shiny!") stuff. I’m sure I won’t keep this anywhere near ‘real-time’ accurate but thought it would be cool to get a snapshot now and then of what I’ve got hoarded up…

Bankatella - (Full-time Banker)

STORAGE TYPE: Auction-worthy Items & General Storage

Gold on Hand: 405

Rocks - (Full-time Banker)

STORAGE TYPE: Gems, Ores and Metal/Bars

Gold on Hand: 5

Poofy (36 Mage) - (Temp Banker)

STORAGE TYPE: Enchanting & Leather

Gold on Hand: 45

Poof (15 Rogue) - (Temp Banker)

STORAGE TYPE: Food & Potions Related

Gold on Hand: 13

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

ADDON: Easy Emote Bar 1.?

Current Version: ???

I, like most mmo players, used to do my "emotes" by typing things in the chat box. Commands like /smile, /thank, /hug seemed easy enough to type when the situation warranted it. However, as I leveled up my characters and had more things to deal with in my UI (in and out of combat) typing my emotes started to become a bit too time consuming/tedious.

I didn't want to stop using emotes because I like them so much - SO... I threw together this addon.

This addon is an extremely plain/basic bar of buttons (configured with 20 or so of my favorite emotes) meant to make emotes simple as "clicking a button". Besides eliminating the hassle of having to TYPE my emotes, this also lets you avoid having to waste the in-game button bars on single emote macro buttons. It's nothing special but I still use it to this day.

If you dig emotes, try it out!

Download Easy Emotes v0.1 here...

    - Initial Screen position is very center - after you drag it to the top or bottom of your screen it *will* stay there.

    - Customize: If anyone wanted to, they could easily change the emotes currently being used here by editing [EasyEmotesForm.xml] in notepad. But I'd recommend using Wowuides for any dramatic changes

    - If you find something like this but better, by all means please let me know!

ADDON: Hoof's Map Notes!

"Hoof's Map Notes" isn't really an addon - it's more of a "DATA" file to use with an addon. It is quite useful though - at least it has been for me! ...


======== Hoof's Map Notes! Version 021508 ====================


Having recently finished getting a 4th toon to 70 (Zoof) I figured I should release an update here Smile. Since it's been so long since the last update I don't have a "here's what's new in this version" list. All I can say is there's more dots!... I mean mapnotes!

Updated Install/Remove JPGs

>>> Download Hoof's MapNotes Data v021508 here... <<<


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
    Hoof MetaMap "MapNotes" v021508
    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    Step A: Download/Install latest verison of MetaMap!

    Step B: REMOVE Old Hoof Map Note Data
    If you have a version of Hoof's Map Notes already imported into MetaMap you will need to remove them. To do this

    1.) Load up WoW

    2.) Follow the directions in the RemoveOldNotes_01, RemoveOldNotes_02 and RemoveOldNotes_03 jpgs included in the "helpful_jpgs" folder in the zip.

    3.) You should see a m

    Step C: IMPORT NEW Hoof Map Note Data
    To import the latest version of Hoof's Map Note data:

    1.) Download the [] file

    2.) Copy the file MetaMapEXP.lua from the zip to your [\Interface\Addons\MetaMapCVT] directory

    3.) Load up WoW

    4.) Follow directions as shown in the InstallSteps_01, InstallSteps_02 and InstallSteps_03 jpgs included in the "helpful_jpgs" folder in the zip.


    PS: If you realize that you hate my map notes after importing them go up to Step A above and follow the directions to remove all my notes

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Loot: Current Items of Interest

I’ll use this page to keep track of what items my characters are currently working on getting and/or interested in.






Thursday, November 1, 2007

Characters: My Toons

Welcome to my character ("toon") list page where I'll post their latest levels, abilities etc. They are listed in order of who was leveled to [70] first.

Hoof (70) Warrior Tradeskills: Blacksmithing: 359/375 - Engineering: 358/375
Hoof was the first character I created. The day I installed WoW and saw the character creation screen for the first time there was no question in my mind I had to be a Tauren (and no it had nothing to do w/the fact that my birthday is in May!). I just loved how they looked - there was something strong but gentle about them. Plus, in Everquest I'd always been a melee class of some type so making Hoof a "warrior" was an easy decision as well.

As far as the name goes... I'm a bit picky/obsessive about names so I thought for a few minutes about what to name him. At some point the term "hoof" popped into my head (inspired by Tauren anatomy of course). I initially thought about stuff like Stronghoof, Megahoof and other names that incorporated the "hoof" but they all felt weird/forced. Then I thought... why not just use "Hoof" by itself! Fortunately, the game was new enough still that there was no other "Hoof"s on my server (WHISPERWIND) yet so that was that - and Hoof was born! At that point I had no idea/plans about using "Hoof" in my other character names - I really didn't even think about creating a new character until Hoof was in his 30s.

I may not play Hoof as much these days but I still consider him my main. I'm taking steps to gear him up a bit so he may get more raid time in the future, but for now he just pokes around when his sword and shield are needed. :) These days his main action is at 7AM on Sunday mornings where he does a fairly regular heroic instance run with 4 other guildmates. He also logs ever other day or so to try to stomach the PvP daily to so he can eventually get a [item]Gladiator's Shield Wall[/item]. The rest of the time he's usually parked in Blades Edge Mountains and occaisionally logs on to see if anyone's killed Grulloc/etc so he can loot them to get access to the Ogri'la daily quest hub.

Soofie (70) Priest Tradeskills: Mining: 375/375 - Tailoring: 375/375 (Shadoweave)

After being level 60 with Hoof for a while, I got the itch to want to see what it would be like to be a "healer" class. So naturally I rolled a priest.
Of course, if you "level up" a priest by yourself (vs running w/other people) you don't really heal much since most priests spec as damage ("shadow") priests to level quickly. So I didn't heal much at all from levels 1 through 70. I maybe did 2 or 3 (?) instance runs as the 'healer' class - but that was it.

Anyhow, after being "shadow" on Soofie for 69 levels I naturally got used to it. So ironically, when I hit 70 and was faced with the "what spec will I raid with" question - I decided to go Shadow for good.
This decision to was made a lot easier thanks to my guildmates (Mary, Zach, Karen etc) who donated embarassing amounts of materials to help me finish leveling up Shadoweave Tailoring and to make my Frozen Shadoweave set:
Here's my best guess/memory of the mats they donated to my cause - these are all expensive items so these donations were very humbling to say the least:
Anyhow - the rest is history really. With the creation of my Frozen Shadoweave set I was "good enough" to start raiding and has been raiding ever since. Soofie is the best geared of all my toons now and is still my primary raiding toon.

Hoofie (70) Shaman Tradeskills: Alchemy: 375/375 - Herbalism: 375/375
...(to be cont)

Zoof (70) Warlock Tradeskills: Mining: 375/375 - Skinning: 375/375
I've always heard warlocks are tricky to play so I never thought I'd play one. I honestly don't even remember what spurred me on to create one - but apparently I did! Like most alts, I leveled him up to his 20s/30s and left him alone for a while...(to be cont)

Groof (65) Hunter Tradeskills: Mining: 375/375 - Engineering 301/375
(to be cont..)

Poofy (36) Mage Tradeskills: Enchanting: 300/375 - Leatherworking 300/375 (Shadoweave)
...(to be cont )

Saturday, October 20, 2007

About Me & WoW...

About Me...

Like many World of Warcraft players I was a huge Everquest addict before I was into WoW. I played a ton of EQ back in its hay day. I loved RPGs in general so once I tried EQ I was hooked. EQ was my first MMORPG and its level of immersion, character leveling, quest for better gear/weapons and most importantly ability to let me hang out and raid with my friends in-game all created an irressistable experience that I couldn't get enough of. Greater Faydark FTW!

I played EQ for a good 4(+?) years but surprisingly only leveled 1 character past 50 ("Rhydius" the rogue on Veeshan server). I was a member of the Dread Templar guild for most of that time. After the 1st couple EQ expansion packs I started having computer problems since the expansion packs required a faster computer. So around the time the 3rd (Luclin) expansion pack came out my EQ addiction was sadly almost gone. A good number of guild members had stopped playing around that time as well, so I eventually stopped playing as well. However, by that time news of "Everquest 2" was already on the horizon so I was hopeful that my love (addiction) for the game would come back when EQ2 came out...

Unfortunately when EQ2 came out things took a turn for the worse. While there were various issues w/the game the one that killed it for me was the hardware/technical issues with it. The game had incredibly high system requirements and even if you had a system capable of playing it there were still issues with slow video performance, audio issues etc. I gave the game a good 2 months of "Oh I'm sure they'll release a patch to fix everything" - but nothing ever came. I was crushed to accept the reality that I was just not going to be able to play Everquest 2.Around this time a game called "World of Warcraft" had come out and was a direct competitor to Everquest 2. I was very against the idea of myself ever playing WoW just for the dumb/stubborn reason that it was a competitor of Everquest - and even though I was currently going mad with technical problems with Everquest 2, I refused to even contemplate trying WoW myself.Eventually one of my EQ1 friends told me he and some other guildies were playing WoW and loving it. I was pretty shocked that they would betray EQ. But, after realizing that EQ2 was never going to work on my computer, I finally gave in, bought the game, installed the game on my computer and signed up for a trial account thinking..."I'll just try this while I wait for EQ2 to get fixed..."

I was hooked on WoW on the 1st day I tried it! I uninstalled EQ2 that same day and have never looked back! I've been playing WoW for over 3 years now and so no signs of slowing down yet! As of writing this I have four characters at max level (70), one in his mid 60s and then a few other mid-level alts - See this page for details about my characters. I'm currently in a great guild of around 30 people all around my age (mid-20s, to early 40s) and I also have a number of in-game friends from other guilds. I go on 2-3 regular raids a week and play whenever my other free time allows.

About WoW

For those who don't know what World of Warcraft (WoW) is here's my humble attempt at describing it...

WoW is an incredibly popular, record-breaking massive multiplayer online role playing game (MMORPG) developed by BLIZZARD Entertainment. Even though the game has been out 4 years now it still has millions of active subscribers (*10 million* worldwide).It's definitely the most popular/most-successful MMORPG ever.

WoW isn't the #1 MMORPG by default or by accident though - it earns that title by being a true "eighth wonder of the [PC gaming] world". Here are a few reasons why this PC gaming juggernaut is so popular likely to stay that way for quite a while...

  • Level of Polish
    The game's level of polish on all fronts surpasses any other game I've ever played. The user interface, the combat, the mechanics of character development are all not only extremely intuitive but are gleefully entertaining to interact with as well. So many game developers skimp on "polishing" various aspects of their game but BLIZZARD makes it a point/standard to maintain an extremely high level of polish on everything in the game and it certainly pays off.

  • Art/Design & Environments
    With the incredible variety of landscape types (snow, mountains, forests, jungles etc), the real-time day/night mechanic and unique musical scores written for each area it's really impossible to describe how amazing the game world is. After playing the game as much as I have it's easy to overlook the beauty of the game world but I still find myself stopping and smelling the roses (read: "taking screenshots") as my characters through the world. I literally catch myself going "Wow.. that is awesome looking..." every once in a while (still!).

  • Engaging Storeyline/Lore
    As you'd expect from any RPG, the storyline/lore in WoW is always intriguing and engaging. The "Warcraft" world actually had quite a storyline developed before it was an MMORPG thanks to the "Warcraft" RTS games that came before it.

  • Endless List of Things to Do and Support for Multiple Play Styles
    There is an almost endless list of things you can do in-game. You can pickup a tradeskill and sell your wares, farm materials and sell them on the auction house, raid with your guild or pickup groups through the various "dungeons" in the game, go up against other players in arenas or battlegrounds, or just play solo and quest and kill stuff for gold/loot!

    The game also provides an enjoyable experience for all sorts of players with all different amounts of available playtime. You can play just an hour or two a night or spend all day in-game.

  • Frequent Game Updates & Patches and Expansion Packs
    Blizzard keeps the game fresh and bug-free by releasing frequent content and gameplay updates. In addition, their expansion packs seem to have the potential to extend the game for years to come.

It's hard to even fathom another PC game ever coming close to WoW's level of popularity or perfection. Sure people leave for breaks to play their Half Life 2, Team Fortress 2, Bioshock or whatever - but they always come back to WoW! If Blizzard maintains the level of committment to WoW they've displayed so far, who knows how long their subscription base will thrive.

Friday, September 28, 2007


Yes this is yet another World of Warcraft (WoW) blog...

Given the fact that I first started playing WoW shortly after it launched almost 4 years ago, I probably should have started this a looong time ago... In any case - I figured since I'm still playing the game quite a lot I may as well start now.

Why make a blog about a game? Well, if for nothing else than for me to have a record that outlines of all my WoW advetures/etc for my own reference/entertainment. In addition to documenting my adventures I'll also use this site as a 'reminder/shopping-list' of sorts as well to jot down things I need to remember etc in-game.

Whether I play the game 5 more years or just 5 more weeks it's been a great experience and I've had a blast. I've been in small guilds (30 people) and large guilds (400+ people) and have made some good friends along the way.

Anyhow - welcome to my humble WoW blog!