There are so many interesting dungeons and bosses in the game that I thought it'd be neat to list out all the ones I've had the opportunity to experience. So - here's a complete history (sorry no dates) of what dungeons or raids I've attended. Since I have leveled up 5 characters past 60 (4 to 70), I don't have a perfect memory of which character ran which instance [x] number times - but in general though I think my "estimated # of runs" for each instance below are pretty close.
If you take all the estimated # of run numbers below and multiply them by 2 hours each (average time per run) you get a pretty crazy number of "time spent in game". For any detractors, in my defense all that time was spent talking/joking around with real people with headsets/microphones most of the time so technically it was some form of social interaction! :D
The saddest part of this page is that due to the way BLIZZARD releases expansion packs for the game, 80% of locations listed on the page are no longer worth visiting because the gear drops and/or the quest/experience rewards for running through them are just not worth it for people leveling to 70+! :( It's a tragedy too because so many of these places were really fun at-level. I still hold out hope that somehow BLIZZARD will one day breathe new life into these places to make them worth visiting (at or even after level).
Wailing Caverns - Estimated # of runs [~20]
- ???
- ???
- ???
- ???
- ???
- ???
- ???
- ???
- ???
- ???
- Roogug
- Aggem Thorncurse
- Death Speaker Jargba
- Overlord Ramtusk
- Agathelos the Raging
- Charlga Razorflank
- Tuten'kash
- Mordresh Fire Eye
- Glutton
- Amnennar the Coldbringer
Maraudon - Estimated # of runs [~4]
- Noxxion
- Razorlash
- Lord Vyletongue
- Poison Falls
- Celebras the Cursed
- Landslide
- Tinkerer Gizlock
- Rotgrip
- Princess Theradras
- Antu'sul
- Theka the Martyr
- Witch Doctor Zum'rah
- Nekrum Gutchewer
- Hydromancer Velrath
- Gahz'rilla
- -- never killed -- Shadowpriest Sezz'ziz
- -- never killed -- Ruuzlu
- -- never killed -- Chief Ukorz Sandscalp
- Kirtonos the Herald
- Jandice Barov
- Rattlegore
- Marduk Blackpool
- Ras Frostwhisper
- Instructor Malicia
- Doctor Theolen Krastinov
- Lorekeeper Polkelt
- The Ravenian
- Lord Alexei Barov
- Lady Illucia Barov
- Darkmaster Gandling
- The Unforgiven
- Timmy the Cruel
- Malor the Zealous
- Cannon Master Willey
- Archivist Galford
- Grand Crusader Dathrohan
- Balnazzar
Stratholme: Undead Side - Estimated # of runs [~20]
- Baroness Anastari
- Nerub'enkan
- Maleki the Pallid
- Magistrate Barthilas
- Ramstein the Gorger
- Baron Rivendare
- Overlord Wyrmthalak
- Highlord Omokk
- War Master Voone
Upper Blackrock Spire - Estimated # of runs [~35+]
- Pyroguard Emberseer
- Warchief Rend Blackhand/Gyth
- The Beast
- General Drakkisath
- Zevrim Thornhoof
- Hydrospawn
- Lethtendris
- Alzzin the Wildshaper
Dire Maul: North - Estimated # of runs [~3]
- Guard Mol'dar
- Stomper Kreeg
- Guard Fengus
- Guard Slip'kik
- Captain Kromcrush
- King Gordok
- Cho'Rush the Observer
Dire Maul: West - Estimated # of runs [~3]
- Tendris Warpwood
- Illyanna Ravenoak
- Magister Kalendris
- Immol'thar
- -- never killed --Prince Tortheldrin
- High Priest Venoxis
- High Priestess Jeklik
- High Priestess Mar'li
- High Priest Thekal
- High Priestess Arlokk
- Bloodlord Mandokir & Ohgan
- Edge of Madness
- Gahz'ranka
- -- never killed -- Jin'do the Hexxer
- Hakkar the Soulflayer
- Kurinnaxx
- General Rajaxx
- Buru the Gorger
Onyxia's Lair - Estimated # of runs [~10]
- Onyxia
Molten Core - Estimated # of runs [~15]
- Lucifron
- Magmadar
- Gehennas
- Garr
- Shazzrah
- Baron Geddon
- Golemagg the Incinerator
- Sulfuron Harbinger
- Majordomo Executus
- -- never killed -- Ragnaros
Blackwing Lair - Estimated # of runs [1]
- -- never killed -- Razorgore the Untamed
Naxxramas - Estimated # of runs [1]
- -- never killed -- Anub'Rekhan
Hellfire Citadel: Ramparts - Estimated # of runs [~5]
- Watchkeeper Gargolmar
- Omor the Unscarred
- Nazan & Vazruden
Hellfire Citadel: The Blood Furnace - Estimated # of runs [~3]
- The Maker
- Broggok
- Keli'dan the Breaker
Hellfire Citadel: The Shattered Halls - Estimated # of runs [~8]
- Grand Warlock Nethekurse
- Blood Guard Porung (Heroic)
- Warbringer O'mrogg
- Warchief Kargath Bladefist
Hellfire Citadel: Magtheridon's Lair - Estimated # of runs [~5]
- -- never killed -- Magtheridon
Coilfang Reservoir: The Slave Pens - Estimated # of runs [~8]
- Mennu the Betrayer
- Rokmar the Crackler
- Quagmirran
Coilfang Reservoir: The Underbog - Estimated # of runs [~8]
- Hungarfen
- Ghaz'an
- Swamplord Musel'ek
- The Black Stalker
Coilfang Reservoir: The Steamvault - Estimated # of runs [~10]
- Hydromancer Thespia
- Mekgineer Steamrigger
- Warlord Kalithresh
Coilfang Reservoir: Serpentshrine Cavern - Estimated # of runs [~3]
- The Lurker Below
Auchindoun: Mana-Tombs - Estimated # of runs [~6]
- Pandemonius
- Tavarok
- Nexus-Prince Shaffar
Auchindoun: Auchenai Crypts - Estimated # of runs [~5]
- Shirrak the Dead Watcher
- Exarch Maladaar
Auchindoun: Sethekk Halls - Estimated # of runs [~2]
- Darkweaver Syth
- Talon King Ikiss
Auchindoun: Shadow Labyrinth - Estimated # of runs [~6]
- Ambassador Hellmaw
- Blackheart the Inciter
- Grandmaster Vorpil
- Murmur
Caverns of Time: Old Hillsbrad Foothills - Estimated # of runs [~7]
- Lieutenant Drake
- Captain Skarloc
- Epoch Hunter
Caverns of Time: The Black Morass - Estimated # of runs [~10]
- Chrono Lord Deja
- Temporus
- Aeonus
Karazhan - Estimated # of runs [~25+]
- Servant Quarters
- Attumen & Midnight
- Moroes
- Opera Event: Romulus & Julianne
- Opera Event: Little Red Riding Hood
- Opera Event: Wizard of Oz
- Maiden of Virtue
- The Curator
- Chess Event
- Terestian Illhoof
- Shade of Aran
- Netherspite
- NightbanePrince Malchezaar
Gruul's Lair - Estimated # of runs [~10]
- High King Maulgar
- Gruul the Dragonkiller
Tempest Keep - Estimated # of runs [1]
- Voidreaver