Friday, December 28, 2007

Bank: For the...Hoard!


I’m a bit of a pack rat so I enjoy stocking up on lots of things and keeping them… even if I have no immediate/future plans of actually needing or using them in-game!

I currently have 2 characters wholly dedicated to being ‘bankers’ and use a couple of my lower level characters as ‘overflow’ bankers since I have too much for just 2 characters to hold right now. These ‘bankers’ are level 1 characters who are only used to store things in their bank/bags, handle auction house transations and mail gold and stuff to my real characters whenever/if they need something.

I won’t keep track of EVERYTHING they have here - just the more interesting/useful (read: "shiny!") stuff. I’m sure I won’t keep this anywhere near ‘real-time’ accurate but thought it would be cool to get a snapshot now and then of what I’ve got hoarded up…

Bankatella - (Full-time Banker)

STORAGE TYPE: Auction-worthy Items & General Storage

Gold on Hand: 405

Rocks - (Full-time Banker)

STORAGE TYPE: Gems, Ores and Metal/Bars

Gold on Hand: 5

Poofy (36 Mage) - (Temp Banker)

STORAGE TYPE: Enchanting & Leather

Gold on Hand: 45

Poof (15 Rogue) - (Temp Banker)

STORAGE TYPE: Food & Potions Related

Gold on Hand: 13