I don't have any characters currently running through the new 10-man instance Zul'Aman (ZA), but last night one of the groups in my guild who have been running it were missing a person so they asked little ol' me to fill the spot (on Soofie)! I was a big fan of Zul'Gurub from the old world so I was excited to see what the new "outdoor/troll" raid instance was like.
This group has been running ZA for a while now and have a couple bosses already on farm. Last night however they were working on a boss they've yet to take down - Hex Lord Malacrass. The trash we cleared on the way to him wasn't anything special - though this group has some really good players so I'm sure it seemed easier to me than it really was.
We went through the trash pretty fast so I hardly had any time to take in the scenery. Here's one of the few screenshots I was able to snap outside while out of combat.
Unfortunately we didn't get him down. Although we tried 6 or 7 times - the best we did was get him to 8% - which was painful to wipe at. We might have had him on our last attempt but one of our main healers was disconnected from the game *twice* during the fight which basically meant we were all dead - too bad.
In any case - I had fun and it was cool to hang out with some guild members I don't see as often as others. I even came in 3rd in the damage meters! (which I'm sure was a fluke of some sort). Thanks to Thayala & Co for the invite. I hope they have an open spot for me again soon! :)
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