Monday, February 9, 2009

Total Played = 223 days (!!?)

Last week as part of my personal Facebook "25 Random things" I tallied up my WoW /played totals to find out how much time I've played the game since I started my account (back in 12/2004).

The total was... 225 days.
I use the [223] number in conversations since at least 2 days of that number were spent AFK, auction house idle times, leaving machine on all night during long flight paths etc). Like 2 days makes any kind of dent/difference though!....

Anyhow. After learning that number I've been in deep thought for past few days on everything considering all things... friends I've made in that time, in-game adventures and accomplishments I've achieved - but also the negatives.... weight I've gained in that time, fresh air I've not had, art projects I haven't done, music I haven't played on guitar ...etc.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do about it yet... stay tuned I suppose...